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En Asie, le tourisme durable peine à émerger,  newsletter, 9 January 09

Sorry this one is in French and there is only my name and no link to Greenselipar. But yes it’s one thing I said this day at the RT seminar organized by Taylor University and Wild Asia.


The title of the article could be translated as “Responsible tourism is emerging slowly in Asia.”

The article focuses on the concerns faced  by responsible tourism professionals and the core issues they need to address : environmental management, RT labels, better marketing and communication,more transparency  etc..

“Catherine Bossis, qui dirige un site d’information sur le tourisme responsable en Malaisie, insiste sur la confiance entre consommateurs et prestataires d’offre durable : « les vacances responsables sont plus chères, parfois trop. En contrepartie de ce supplément, il faut plus de transparence sur les retombées positives du tourisme durable. » 

“Catherine Bossis director of a website about  responsible tourism, insists on the needs for more transparency   “Responsible tourism can be more expensive, and sometimes not affordable. Travelers would be ready to pay more for a responsible tourism service if they are sure that this money is used for responsible management”. 

Created in 2001, Novethic is the leading research center in France on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Socially Responsible Investment (SRI). They provide information and expert resources to business leaders, investors, NGOs and academics interested or already involved in CSR and SRI.

Thanks to Helène Ledeunff,  from Singapore, who wrote the article.

PENCITA ALAM, MNS Newsletter Sept. 08 Issue   

The Greenselipar

Have you ever tried to plan an environmentally-friendly or socially-aware local holiday for yourself and discovered that there isn’t enough information out there? Do you depend on word-of-mouth to find out the best natural places to go, meet knowledgeable local guides and travel with a positive conscience?

Selangor Branch is about to embark on a new project to gather information on Malaysian destinations, tourism services and other related enterprises or NGOs that help us to holiday with heart.

The Green Selipar is ‘green’ because we hope to list places and people that offer honest opportunities to give back to the local community, protect the environment or wildlife or preserve and promote local culture and heritage. The selipar (slipper) is a ubiquitous presence in Malaysia, and traveling in this country can and should be as simple, comfortable and practical as wearing them… at the same time, our travels should leave as small a footprint as possible.

We know that there are bits of information here and there, useful websites that you stumble upon or local knowledge parked in experienced travelers’ minds. We want to collate all that information and put it in one place so that it will be easier for a visitor to Malaysia or a concerned local resident to make plans.

Running out of a website, The Green Selipar will allow MNS members, family and friends to post information on your own favourite getaways, cultural experiences, information portals and other organizations that are worth recommending. At the same time, if you’ve traveled based on someone else’s recommendation, you can get back online to update, add on to or comment on the existing information.

Through this project, MNS can help to promote authentic “green” tourism options (many of whom don’t get enough recognition), and MNS members can both benefit from, contribute to and support this growing interest in conscientious travel, entertainment and shopping.

To find out how you can contribute or get involved, contact Catherine Bossis at To find out more about The Green Selipar and how to holiday with heart, log on to (The site will be up and running in mid-September.)


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